Healthy Mouth Healthy Body

Planning A Baby

Planing a baby is possibly one of the most important decisions in a couples lifetime.

The to be mother has to prepare herself emotionally,physically and mentally for all the changes to come.The hormonal changes associated with pregnancy can also cause a series of changes in the oral enviornment.As we all know that prevention is better than cure,its best to make a visit to the dentist before planning a baby,discuss and understand what changes to expect during pregnancy.

Oral health affects your general health and vice versa. Researches have proved that an oral infection is capable of causing major health complications. E.g. A gum disease in your mouth is a bacterial infection. If not treated in time, it is capable of affecting the other body organs through the blood stream.

A women's life is marked with hormonal changes from the time of adolescence, motherhood to menopause. During these hormonal stages women need to give special heed to oral hygiene in order to prevent gum disease and oral infections.

IDA suggests that along with a complete physical examination to rule out undiagnosed conditions or diseases,it is imperative to visit a dentist to rule out oral health issues.

Visit your dentist

To rule out

  • Cavities
  • Gum problems
  • Bad breath
  • Solutions to habits or addictions like smoking.

Good oral health is vital to good overall health specially during pregnancy. IDA recommends that even if you have never visited a dentist before, the time to do so is NOW.